Christmas Checklist
Follow this guide to make a simple and effective Christmas Landing Page
The Checklist
It’s important to include your city name. This will help you rank in Google higher. If your church is in Orlando then make sure you say “Christmas Services in Orlando”.
A picture is always better than text but make sure to explain what service will be like.
- When
- Where
- How long
- What to do with your kids.
Add an RSVP form so that people can contact you and you can save them a seat. Giving people a contact that they can meet when they arrive increases people showing up drastically.
Give people something to download that they can send to a friend. This can be an image they can share on instagram and a script to include.
“Hey {FRIEND}! I’d love you to join me this Christmas Eve at 5:30 at my church. You can check it out here (link to page). Lets get dinner after as well!”
Follow This Wireframe
Then Add Your Images
Final Tip
Leave your website up all year. After service add a video of the Christmas Service and change the text to reflect next year. This will get indexed in Google all year and increase your ranking for next Christmas.
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