Over the Easter weekend, we saw over 42,000 people find churches through our website platform. Here are the most valuable lessons we learned.


Easter Stats

Who came to the sites?
77% of people that came had never visited that church website before. The visitors started looking around Tuesday but the majority of people hit the website for the first time Sunday Morning.

What did they do when they arrived?
The average person viewed 3 pages and stayed around for about one minute and forty seconds. They often landed on an Easter page or the Home page and then clicked through to the About page.

Where did they come from?
These stats fascinated us. We can tell that churches put a lot of effort into marketing Easter.

  • 1133% increase in people visiting the site because of an email they received.
  • 37% increase in people coming from social media.
  • 97% increase in people searching and clicking a link in the results.
What we can learn

Be prepared
Since the increased Easter traffic really picked up on the Tuesday before Easter, we highly recommend having all of your Easter information up long before the week of.

Design for Mobile
71% of people only saw the websites on a phone. This means it’s more important for the site to look great on a phone than on a desktop.

Design for speed
People didn’t stay very long. So it’s important to have all of the key information available quickly right when the page loads. Beautiful photos and videos are great but we can’t let them get in the way of people getting what they are looking for.

SEO Matters
With a 97% increase in people finding the websites from a google search, it’s important that your site shows up right at the top. We’ve seen a lot of people run an Easter specific domain for a few months leading up to Easter and then take it down right after Easter. One bit of advice would be to keep that site up year round so that next year, when people search for “Easter”, you will have a year’s worth of traction on your domain. The same goes for an Easter page on your website.

Send an email!
1000%+ increase in people viewing a site from an email. A number that large mean an email is a “must have” in your Easter Campaign.

Final Thoughts

We know Easter comes around each year and can be stressful for your communications team. Get a jump start early by revisiting your Home page and About page right at the beginning of the year. Regardless of your amazing Easter page, most people clicked through to those pages and they are still the determining factor in a decision to attend your church.