As always, we are working hard behind the scenes to make sure you have the most powerful website platform around to manage your church. Here’s what’s new in the last few months.

We now support Instagram authentication and integrating your feed and hashtags to your website.

QR Codes
QR Codes are everywhere. Now they are built into your website. Anytime you create a page you’ll get a QR code to go with it.

Official Embeds Plan
If you love our features but prefer another website designer, our Embeds Plan is for you. Embed any of our features onto any website platform that you’d like.

Video Block Update
You can now set your video block to read from an RSS feed so that it always shows your latest video.

PushPay Integration Update
We’ve added new features to our PushPay Integration. You can now add more advanced filtering to the Groups Engine and the Events engine.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to build and expand the best church website builder for churches.